Find at least one good quote in the essay and explain
why you find it important.
Discuss how Zadie Smith has experienced
her development of “voice”.
Look at the passage about Eliza (p.
135). Characterize her change of voice (note that you have an excerpt of Pygmalion in the compendium)
Put the text into a Danish perspective - could the
text have been written by a Dane? If so, under which conditions? If not, why
Explain how Zadie Smith sees the
liminal/middling space of having multiple “voices” as strength. Provide textual
examples (you may use the passage on Obama on p. 136ff as a reference point).
Come up with a question for the next
person to answer/discuss.
Answer the question posted by the previous
student (if you’re first - well, it’s your lucky day ;))
I want you to discuss and comment on each other's points rather than just answering the questions. Keep in mind that this work replaces 4 English lessons and is to replace a written assignment. Make an effort!
I want you to discuss and comment on each other's points rather than just answering the questions. Keep in mind that this work replaces 4 English lessons and is to replace a written assignment. Make an effort!