Tuesday 11 December 2012

The Tyger: Alexander and Tharsan


  1. We have chosen this picture because Ying-Yang is mysterious just like the poem. Like the origin of the tiger is unknown, so is the origin of Ying-Yang.
    It is also a mixture of two separate units forming a whole just like "The Tyger" and "The Lamb". Even though they are each other's opposite, they are still deeply connected and cannot exist without one another, good cannot exist without evil...
    Ying-Yang is also known from Chineese philosophy which also connects very well with the feelings "the tyger" wakes in you after having read it. You are left with a great confusion after having read the poem since Blake uses so many metaphors and thus also opens up to different interpretations. It is a very personal person made up of only questions, so the answer to the poem is for yourself to find.


  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCNHVMIYqi

    The Harry Potter music has a mysterious sound which evolves throughout. It builds up to a climax and then fades out again like the poem does when Blake ends up with asking the same question as he started out with. He does not present us with the answer himself...
