Tuesday 25 September 2012

John Winthrop: City upon a Hill

Post notes for the speech. Consider all 5 points in the rhetorical pentagram and write a brief evaluation of the speech in which you account for the use of predominant rhetorical features.

1 comment:

  1. • Audience: New Americans arriving to the promised land of God.
    • Language: Formal, educated.
    • Situation: The settlement of the New Land – sets a foundation for the new society.
    • Speaker: John Winthrop (Business man, lawyer, noble).
    • Subject: Christianity, unity – foundation for the settlement’s society.

    Winthrop continuously uses biblical references and thereby unites the people in the settlement, setting a foundation for their life style, ethics and morals – fulfilling his intention of making the population Christian.
    Considering the decade the message of God and the religion has a huge influence on the future nation as most had a need to believe in something. The religion unites the people and makes a baseline for this new nation.

    (Amanda, Michelle, Janus, KC and Katrine B)
