Wednesday 9 May 2012

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: Clothes

Find three quotes in the text which illustrate the central themes of the story.
Explain - in depth - how each exemplifies and elaborates the theme you've chosen.
You may choose to elaborate on one theme exclusively or pick three different themes.
It is important that you analyse in depth - that is consider both content, language and structure where it is relevant.
We will work on your quotes next time in class.


  1. Sentence 1:
    “Hot seeds of tears pricked my eyelids at the unfairness of it”

    This sentence is in the theme of arranged marriages. Her we see Sumita's first opinion about her situation. She has just realized that she probably is going to live on the other side of the globe. She is an Indian woman and she cannot decide whom she wants to marry. The word seed is telling us the something is growing in Sumita. Feelings are often shown by tears. The feelings that are growing inside Sumita are powerlessness and nervousness. The word unfairness shows us that she is not comfortable with this new chapter of her life. Again the word pricked indicates that it is something new that pokes to her view on India's cultural traditions. Traditions she until know maybe did not think a lot about.

    Sentence 2:
    “His face with two vertical lines between the brows looked young, apprehensive, in need of protection. I'd never seen that on a man's face before. Something rose in me”

    This point of the story is in my opinion the changing point in Sumita and Somesh's relationship. Before this moment Sumita has been nervous around Somesh and afraid of intimate contact with him, but right after this quote she pulls Somesh’s head down to her breasts. The quote ends with that something rose in Sumita. My hypothesis is that it is Love in some way. She sees something in Somesh that makes her care about him. The theme of this quote is the fruit of openness. Sumita has not rejected Somesh but she has still been afraid of what was going to happen. But Somesh has been very gentle and he has given her time. He has not pushed her into anything. This patience and openness from both sides made their relationship grow naturally.
    The words apprehensive and young makes Somesh seem like a little child. “In need of protection” Sumita gets compassion to Somesh and starts to care about him. You can say that her motherly instincts rise in her. In the next line it says that she have not seen that on a Man’s face before. It indicates again that Somesh that moment becomes like a young boy in Sumita’s eyes.

    Sentence 3:

    “Then I’m ashamed. Mita I tell myself, you’re growing westernized. Back home you’d never have felt this way.”

    Here Sumita has lived in USA some weeks I guess. She I irritated that she just stays at home with Somesh’s parent and cannot go out into “the new world” and be integrated. But then she is ashamed, Ashamed of thinking like she does, questioning the traditions of her parents. Again pay attention to the word growing. There are new thoughts coming into her head that she has never thought before. Sumita tells herself that she is becoming westernized. I am guessing that it is a negative thing in her point of view because she feels ashamed about it. Then she mentions back home. This has several meanings.
    1: She does not feel like an American yet. India is still her home.
    2: Maybe she tries to tell herself that it is this new country that has a bad effect on her. Instead of realizing that she is the one who is changing.
