Friday 24 February 2012

The Declaration of Independence

1. What is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? What does it do?
2. What are the most basic rights of an American citizen and where do they come from?
3. What view on government is presented?
4. Compare their view on government to what they have experienced under the rule of Great Britain. What does despotism mean?


  1. 1. What is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? What does it do?
    The purpose was for the thirteen states of America to declare them in depended fro Great Britain. Because they were feeling abused by the King of England.
    2. What are the most basic rights of an American citizen and where do they come from?
    The most basic rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It says in the declaration that God created all men with these rights.
    3. What view on government is presented?
    It is good to have a government. but whenever this government becomes destructive or abusing in any way, the people have the right abolish it and create a new one. It says it is the people's duty to throw such government off.
    4. Compare their view on government to what they have experienced under the rule of Great Britain. What does despotism mean?
    They say that they have been patient with the King, but he is a tyrant who does not listen to hes people. He makes the judges depend on his will, so when his soldier were committing violations they could not be punished.
    Despotism (enevælde) means that one man is ruling a whole kingdom, and he is not very nice to his people.

  2. ps: many hard words in the text :(
