Thursday 8 December 2011

1. What are the themes in the film?
2. Explain the relationship between Jack and Tyler (at least 200 words)
3. What do they symbolise/represent in the film?
4. What is the main message of the film? Explain and elaborate.
5. What do you think of the film? Explain and elaborate (at least 100 words)


  1. 1.Violence, mentally illness and social layers of society

    2.Jack and Tyler are the same person. But when we first meet Jack he doesn't know of Tyler. Suddenly he meets him on a plane there they get a little chat and nothing more happens. When he Jack then arrives home from his trip, his apartment has been blown up. Then he calls Tyler and they meet at a bar. After a couple of beers they starts to fight each other, just for fun. It is nice to loose your aggression you get from your daily life. Jack stays with Tyler and the two of them starts a club called FightClub. This is a club for men who wants to fight other men just for fun. Tyler also starts dating/banging this girl called Marhla, whom Jack knew before he met Tyler. The funny thing is that she seems very interested in Jack although she is with Tyler. And Tyler says to Jack that he can not speak about Tyler with her. Suddenly Tyler starts to recruit members to a new thing called ProjectMayham. Their house is transformed into a bootcamp for men who does vandalism on public buildings and statues and so on. Then one day Tyler is gone and Jack goes out looking for him. He travels a lot and Tyler is just gone. At last he meets a man who calls him Tyler that freaks him out and when he is back in his hotel room, Tyler just appears from nowhere and confronts him with the fact that they are the same person.

    3.Probably the evil and the good side of a person, like the angel and the devil on Donald Ducks shoulders.


    5.I don't get the movie. Also why I don't know what the message of the movie is. Tyler talks deep shit! He seems very “Nihilistisk” to me like: we are Gods bad sons and nothing matters and so on. The violence in the is a sick kind of violence, it looks like to me that it has no purpose. All the attitudes in the movie are so far away for my way of thinking,

    I didn't like the movie..

  2. 1. Violence and mentally illness
    2. At first are Jack and Tyler friends they drink beer together because Jacks apartment blowup and Jack called Tyler. Tyler says that Jack can stay with him. So Jack moves in. They start their own fight club with some special rules. They do not talk about it to anyone even if they know them. Tyler begins to create an army. After some time Tyler levees and at that point Jack realize that Tyler does not exists. He also realizes that they are the same person so all that Tyler did was also that Jack did even that he did not knew it.
    3. They symbolize what we all have an evil and a good person inside.
    4. That we saw some good lucking men!!


  3. I must remind you of the acquirements for task 2 and 4

  4. 1

    - Violence, of course.
    - The depths of the human mind.
    - The role of society.
    - What is mental illness?


    On the face of things, Jack and Tyler are the complete opposites of each other. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clearer and clearer that the two have a lot more in common than what one immediately might think. In the ending it becomes obvious that they are, in fact, the same person. Jack can indeed be said to be "le petit bourgeois", without any real character to speak of, while Tyler is the complete opposite of this - he is a rebel, seemingly completely careless, although not lacking in moral; one might classify him as a psychopath, but he is, however, a man with a beautiful vision: he wants to see humanity live again. To achieve this, he creates a complete economical collaps, or, in other words, he wants to see the collapse of the great delusion that is keeping humanity caged.


    I believe the message is that of taking control of yourself, opening your eyes. Most of all, I think that this film is about not taking life too seriously. Do not forget that you are alive, and that life is a journey; do not become society's bitch, so to speek. Jah live, children!


    I think this movie is fantastic! It is stimulating in the way that good movies are - you are automatically on the tip of your toes when watching this. Tyler is one of the coolest movie characters I have seen. As it is stated in the movie, Tyler is everything that Jack wants to be, and Brad Pitt perfectly encapsulates this role.
    The awesome story and characters perfectly wrap up the ever-important message, only to become one of the greatest action movies of all time.

    "You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."


  5. Social illness, violence.

    Jack is a weak litle man in the begginning and he is just doing his dayli rutines and such. But when he meets tyler he meets a man who is all that Jack ever wanted to be and he teaches jack stuff with soap. Tyler is the one doing Martha which Jack dont like. Tyler dont want jack to tell Martha about thier relationship.
    Tyler is just an illusion in jacks head but we dont see that before the end.

    The message of this movie is to take control of yourself dont be someone else that is the progcess their is going on in this movie. In the very start we see that jack is just doing dayli rutines he dont like. Then he meets Tyler which learns him how to be him self.

    I think the movie is awesome learned alot from watching that movie, also the violence scenes are just epic. Never seen such movies ever before.
    Also i think that Brad Pitt is doing that role really great, only seen him in a few movies where he is so good at that.

  6. Here are a few extra questions to consider:
    1. What is the symbolic significance of Jack's two homes in the film?
    2. Do you agree with Bastian that the reason for starting Fight Club and Operation Meyhem expresses a "seize the day" theme? Look closer at the quote Bastian presents in the end of his post.
    3. Do you agree with Samuel that there is no reason for the violence in the film?

  7. And hey, what is Marla's part in all this?
