Sunday, 30 October 2011
Bowling for Columbine: Work points
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Terry McCarthy: "Warning"
Monday, 24 October 2011
5 point action plan
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Keywords for Growing Up
Friday, 14 October 2011
The Civil Rights movement
Thursday, 13 October 2011
How to write an analysis
How to write an analysis:
1) The summary you, hopefully,know how to write: write in present tense; only approx. 150 words; do not include quotes; and use your own words.
A summary reviews the most important points of the text. It should be approximately 150 words. Furthermore, the summary should be written as much as possible in your own words and in present tense. It contains only the main ideasand does not include your own view on the text, nor quotesfrom the text.
2) The characterisation: Write a short introduction in which you present the characters and their situation. Describe their features and identify the conflict(s), how does the conflict develop and what is the objective? Hence the intention with the the text. You can usequotes, just use them wisely i.e. do not use too many, and do not forget to comment on them.
3) Comment: How do you understand this part of the text? What is the author´s intention? You may put it into perspective (other examples of everyday life, ideas from the text and your analysis from the characterization). Your focus is on THE TEXT and what you are asked to comment on. Keep it simple!
4) Short essay: The basic essayis in where you discuss an issue. You start by making a short introduction e.g. something general, and then slowly build up the essay by discussing the topic from different points of view. Finally you wrap up with a good punch line.